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Do you love being corrupted?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Do you love being corrupted?

How many of you guys are non-smokers but thrilled at the idea of a beautiful woman trying to turn you into a smoker? I'm not talking about forced smoking, but a woman gradually convincing you to give up your own fears and scruples to smoke! :roll:

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March 29, 2011
Posts: 1

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`It is a very exciting idea - and some smokers, even when they aren't smoking fetishists, do love to start other people. So it could happen.

Of course, if it did become reality, there'd be problems if you had second thoughts. But that goes for any fetish, not just smoking.

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March 4, 2010
Posts: 12

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`albionmoonlite: That is one experience I regret missing; too late, since I let my love for attractive girls and women who smoke seduce me first. I did once let a girl who didn't know I smoked think she'd seduced/corrupted me ( I had an innocent, naive boyish image back then too), and she llllovved it! ( so did I--the idea of passion and love so intense that I'd give away my "purity" for its sake--HER sake--turned us both on!)

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`It's my sexiest dream..

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`I love starting people up on smoking its exactly how i started, my older sister convinced me to try it and now i convince others :P

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August 24, 2009
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`Someone directed me to this webpage. I'm a sometime closet smoker and can't imagine how people smoke to the point of addiction and keep it up for years while knowing its dangers, etc. Yet, I have to admit, I'm curious how this happens, how people change their viewpoint, since everyone here were all nonsmokers once and some even vehemently against it. Still, I do have a part of me that is curious about it all, especially the part about allowing oneself to keep it up until one is actually addicted. I'm curious how that can happen and can't fathom it, really.
OK, maybe it's a bit frightening too. But the idea that anyone can serve as a sort of role model and encourage me to smoke on a more regular basis seems both preposterous and intriguing...and, yes, there's even the feeling of excitement (that I don't quite understand or accept).
I was sent a link to this web page so that's why I'm here.

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